

~ Last week, Rachel and I experienced eating our first empanada! It had bacon and cheese in it and it was definitely one of the most delicious foods ever.
 ~ This same day, in the Plaza Mayor, we were able to watch some people go up to the top of the Plaza and hang the Spanish flag in honor of the upcoming Olympics. There was a band playing and everything! 
~ It's funny to watch the Olympics with my host family. The other day we were watching swimming, and since I used to swim, I know the most about this sport and the people competing. Fé didn't know anyone except for Michael Phelps and she was so excited to watch him swim...almost more excited than watching a Spaniard swim! It's just so funny how even across the pond, Michael Phelps is so famous and loved. 
~ I cannot believe we only have one week until finals! Where has this time gone??
~ I am starting to be able to tell that everyone is stressing about going home. We're excited to go home, we're not excited to go home, we have no money left, we have stuff to do before school starts a week after we get back to the states....blah blah blah I want to forget all this stuff and enjoy my last week here :)) 

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